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Project Summary
The project ‘’Entrepreneurship: The first Stage to the Change-ESC’’ is a result of a mutual planning and collaboration between partner organizations of EU and Turkey. All partners aim to indicate, share and develop tools and practices for enhancing and developing entrepreneurial skills and competences to their youthworkers. The idea came to the surface after we have observed that during the last few years high rates of unemployment and current financial crisis decrease the opportunities of youth workers to develop in personal and professional level. This lack of opportunities turned them into y.w with fewer opportunities, lack of basic income-payment, passive lifestyle (and same time turn them into inactive citizens) with lower self confidence lower self esteem and less efficient in their work. During and throughout this project we (9 partners, with 23 participants during the TC week, from Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Malta, Czech Republic, Spain, Bulgaria, Poland, Turkey) aim to assist, inspire and train youthworkers -y.w (mainly those with fewer opportunities) to become more competent in their work and entrepreneurs for their personal development. We mainly focus on how to provide tools and practices through non formal methods (sharing experiences, self-reflection, experiential learning and learning by doing, simulations, role plays, public speaking techniques, study visits, debate sessions, intercultural nights, theater) in order to assist y.w get aware about the power of the development of basic key competences -in the framework of E+ programs- on combating inactive life, enhancing social inclusion, adapting and supporting entrepreneurial attitude and rising self confidence. Based at the above we set the following objectives: 1.To support 23 y.w in the acquisition of key competences and competencies with a view to improving their personal development; 2.To develop through NFL activities basic and transversal skills for the 23 y.w, such as entrepreneurship and creativity skills in all fields of youth work; 3.To improve the level of key competences and skills for all 23 yw, with particular regard to their relevance for the labour market and their contribution to a cohesive and inclusive society; 4.To promote NFL as an entrepreneurial tool for enhancing active citizenship and social inclusion through examples of activities that we designed for this TC (ex public speaking method); 5.To increase awareness about the power of Erasmus+ programmes for supporting entrepreneurship; 6.To help 23 y.w to acquire high-quality Youthpass Certificates and create their own Europass CV
by Elisabetta Mazza and Erica Brocco

From the 5 to the 13 of march we attended a training course in Zakynthos, Greece on topic of the entrepreneurship. It was an erasmus plus project with the participation of nine countries: Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Malta, Spain, Poland, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Turkey.
We had the opportunity to learn a lot of things about the topic and to share ideas whit the local people. We realised that the problems of being a new entrepreneur in Greece are not so different from the problems that an Italian entrepreneur could face.
We also improve our public speaking skills due to some activities (like the theatre or the video making) and we had the opportunity to know the culture and the traditions (so many!) of the easter period too!


We were so glad for staying there, meeting a lot of amazing people and improving our knowledge.

Thanks to NECI HELLAS for the organization and thanks to NECI ITALIA for sending us.


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