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Personal Development Activities

Gandra, Porto, Portugal
Arrival day:
Friday, 17th November 2023
Departure Day:
Friday, 24th of November 2023

Project Description

The IGNITE project is an international PDA developed under theErasmus program, intending to strengthen the skills andknowledge of youth workers in the field of creativity andinnovation.
During the course, participants will have the opportunity toexplore the concept of creativity and innovation, understanding itsrelevance in working with young people and its implications forpersonal and social development. Theories and models ofcreativity will be discussed, as well as case studies thatdemonstrate their practical application in different contexts.
Participants will be engaged in interactive and hands-on activitiesaimed at developing creative skills and learning techniques tostimulate innovation. Approaches such as divergent thinking,design thinking, gamification, and storytelling, among others,which can be applied in projects and activities with young people,will be explored.
Additionally, the course will provide a collaborative learningenvironment, bringing together youth workers from variouscountries. Moments of sharing experiences, discussions, and jointreflections will be promoted, allowing participants to expand theirnetwork of contacts and enhance their professional practicethrough knowledge exchange.
By the end of the course, youth workers will be better prepared toapply creative and innovative approaches in their daily work. Theywill be able to engage young people more effectively, stimulatetheir active participation, encourage critical thinking, and promotethe development of innovative solutions to social and personalchallenges.
IGNITE is a unique opportunity for professionals in the field tobroaden their horizons, acquire new tools, and become agents ofchange in their communities, driving creativity and innovation asdrivers of development and social transformation.

During the ProfessionalDevelopment Activities youwill be challenged to:

Embrace Creativity: Step out of your comfort zone, thinkoutside the box, and explore innovative ideas and approaches.
Foster Innovation: Develop innovative solutions to challengesfaced by young people, both at individual and societal levels.
Apply Practical Skills: Acquire practical tools, techniques, andmethodologies to foster creativity and innovation in your workwith young people.
Engage Young People: stimulate young people’s criticalthinking, and empower them to contribute their creative ideas.
Collaborate and Share Knowledge: Collaborate withparticipants from different countries, exchanging experiencesand best practices, enriching your professional practice, andexpanding your network.
Implement Creative Projects: Design and implement projectsand activities that foster creativity and innovation among youngpeople, addressing social and personal challenges.
Promote Sustainable Impact: Consider the long-term impact ofyour creative and innovative initiatives, promoting sustainablepositive change in the lives of young people.
These challenges are designed to motivate you to activelyparticipate, learn, and apply creative and innovative approaches inyour work with youth after the training course.
The project aims to develop participants' creativity, innovation, critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, communication,cross-cultural competence, and networking skills.




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