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 Project Summary
The project ''Turn into powerful youth worker through media technology’ aims to increase awareness on how media technology through NFL can enhance youth workers to discover their potentials and turn into more effective professionally and personally. All partners with 25 youth workers (Cyprus,Italy,FYROM, Bulgaria, Spain, Romania, Malta, Greece) during the project and activity week intend to share and feel the power of media technology through Non formal Learning and collaborative methods (plenary sessions, discussions, workshops, brainstorming, simulation games). Mainly we will work all together using media technology (photo shooting, video capture, media editing, web design, social media use, tabloids and internet technology) in order to reach our objectives. We will invite experts to support the learning (on IT software, video editors etc) with presentations and providing feedback. During the training week the participants will share experiences, point out ways and present tools which can support them to discover their potentials, raise their self-esteem and find the way out to self and professional development. Moreover, special attention and focus will be given to the relation of the development of key competences, through NFL approaches, for supporting social inclusion and enhancing fruitful future collaboration within local and wider lifelong communities.

Dissemination by Lisa Supino
Wowww!!! I was one of the three lucky youthworkers, sent by NECI ITALIA to Cyprus, who took part in the wanderful training course about media technology from 11th to 19th November 2017. 
It was amazing. I discovered a new way to express my feelings or to catch other's emotions. Now I can see the world from different perspectives.
After the training course I was invited to realize a short movie of the flash mob organized by my local community on the International Day for combatting the violence against women.
I also collaborated in the Erasmus + project for schools "Multicultural Communication: Breaking Stereotypes". A multilateral project between 7 countries: Greece,  Turkey, Poland, Romania, Spain, Portugal, Italy. During the 5th Transnational Meeting, organized by the Italian School, Alighieri Formia-Ventotene, I took the pictures for the reportage visible at following link 
Dissemination by Elisabetta Mazza
This was definitely the best experience of my life!!!
I couldn't imagine I could spend 9 days abroad, overcoming my shyness, cooperating with young people from many countries, discovering that I have so much in common with many of them, especially the interest for technology. Thank you Neci Italia for trusting me and giving me a so special opportunity. And thank you Neci Cyprus for organizing a Training Course of so high quality. 
This is one of my activities after my experience in Cyprus.
Pasquetta 2018
Come da antichissima tradizione, il giorno di lunedì in Albis i Castellonesi si riuniscono in processione per ricondurre la Madonna del noce sul colle dove si trova il piccolissimo monastero di Santa Maria la Noce, risalente probabilmente all'XI secolo. Si narra che  nel XV secolo la devozione popolare, la venerazione dell'immagine della Madonna della Noce, alimentata dalla fama  dei miracoli operati spingono alla concessione di particolare indulgenze ai numerosi pellegrini che affollano penitenzialmente il pio luogo; l'8 marzo 1488 viene stilata una bolla nella quale si concede una indulgenza di cento giorni "a qualunque persona, che visiterà la chiesa di S. Maria della Noce, posta vicino al monastero di S. Erasmo di Castellone, nelle festività dell'Annunziata, dell'Assunzione di Maria Santissima, nella seconda feria dopo..... di nostro Signor Gesù Cristo, il lunedì dopo la domenica in Albis”.
Il giorno di Pasquetta è anche l'occasione per la comunità formiana di commemorare i numerosi compaesani che durante i bombardamenti del secondo conflitto mondiale, si sono rifugiati sul colle che a tanti ha salvato la vita, ma molti non ce l'hanno fatta. Una corona deposta ai piedi del monumento ai caduti per non dimenticare, per emulare l'ottimismo di chi ci ha preceduto, per non perdere la speranza in un mondo migliore.


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