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Developing By Sharing

Organizer, Applicant: NECI Cyprus  
Youth Exchanges-Programme Countries: 2018-3-CY02-KA105-001378


Partners: Network for European Citizenship and Identity Cyprus, NECI Italia, Sdruzhenie Walk Together
Bulgaria, HumanBeing Turkey, Asociatia Pro Dezvoltare DACIA  Romania, BACKSLASH Spain
Civil Education & Training Platform  Hellas

Paralimni Cyprus, 02-11/04/2019

Project Summary
The project "Developing By Sharing" is designed to offer space and time to 35 youths and 7 leaders from 7 partner NGOs (Cyprus, Bulgaria, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Romania, Italy) for collaboration through learning by sharing. The main aim is these youths to learn how to focus on problems in the youthfield and local community and then to plan, implement, reflect, evaluate the activities. This will be fulfilled by their enrollment into the project preparation (before the activity) by also during the Activity with their involvement into the project development and management using Applications from E+ YouthExchanges.
Objectives of the project:


  1. To suggest and share activities for project preparation and management between youths

  2. To motivate youths to collaborate through activities under NFL, irrespective their origin and culture.

  3. To support the development of key competences (social, intercultural, languages, creativity, l2l etc) to youths through sharing learning for project preparation and management

  4. To increase self confidence and inspire youths to join more international mobilities

  5. To create tangible (video, booklet) and intangible (ex. friendship, partnership)results

  6. To develop ideas (and projects) for future between youths and partners.

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From the 2nd to the 11th of April I took part to my first youth exchange, in Paralimni, Cyprus on the topic of learning by sharing. It was an Erasmus+ project with the participation of seven countries: Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey.
I had the opportunity to share feelings, thoughts and experiences with a lot of young people with different cultures, different languages and different backgrounds, but still with the same will of knowing from each other, improve our knowledge and have fun together. During the days of the project, we worked hard on an application for a future Erasmus+ project. It was a great experience to challenge our selves and try to do our best. To be honest it was really hard at the beginning, but soon after, thanks to the collaboration and the support of the other participants, everyone carried out a great project; actually I was quite satisfied about mine.
Moreover we staked our skills and we organized some funny and interactive activities that I really enjoyed! It was a great occasion to spend time all togheter, have fun learning new things and discover each other peculiar skills.
In the end, I wuold like to suggest this experience to everyone and, above all, I want to say thank you to NECI Cyprus as a hosting organization and to NECI ITALIA for sending us.

So far, I really enjoyed this Youth Exchange, even if the topic was a bit difficult to work with, but anyway, we helped each other in order to finish our works in time (almost). I really liked the activity Skills’ time, because it was a way to go a bit away from the topic and come back with more energy. I found the First Aid  presentation very important, because personally, I never had this kind of knowledges, so, in my opinion, it helped me very much. Of course I loved the intercultural evenings, because we had a lot of fun and we learned many things about the Countries and the cultures, and of course their food. The Application Time activity was the most difficult part, but also the most important: I tried to do my best, but at the beginning it took me a lot of time to understand what did I have to do. To be honest, even now that I finished the work, still I have some doubts about it, but I guess it’s normal, because no one of the participants was an expert on doing it. That was the busiest part of the program, but I liked it anyway, at least now I have some more skills about how to create an application. Regard to the other participants, they are just amazing, and I’m pretty sure that I will keep in contact with most of them. I also loved the fact that I had the opportunity to develop my skills in Spanish language, as well as English. In general I really enjoyed the project, and of course I would like to take part in another one very soon

This experience has meant a lot to me. It allowed me to grow both in human terms, making new friends and acquaintances, and in cultural terms, improving my English and my knowledge of the world.
I learned what it means to work in a team, sharing their experiences and abilities, in order to reach a single final goal.
These moments are linked to many memories that I will carry with me forever, from the pressure to finish a job using a foreign language, to laugh with the other participants in every single free moment.




TThis was my first youth exchange experience. I really spent such a good time, improving my English and my Spanish, acting like a translator, meeting new friends from different countries and cultures as well. The project, helped me to understand what project manager means and how it works, also taught me how to be part of a team and to talk in front a lot of people.
“Developing by sharing” made me realize the importance of  communication and how sharing experiences help to develop ourselves.




I took part in my first youth exchange in Paralimni from 2nd to 11th April.

The project gave me the opportunity to improve my English and my knowledge and of course  to meet new friends.

About the knowledge of the topic this project let me able to create a new E+ project and to realize it. I had the opportunity to discover what is behind every training. 

in my opinion this type of  experience helps also to improve  selfconfident and open the mind because you have the opportunity to collaborate, to discuss and to share different experiences, ideas and cultures.

It is an experience that I recommend and I think that every young person should take part in such kind of experience at least once in a lifetime.



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