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Project Summary
The project RECIPES is an acronym and a result of a cooperation between youths from partners coming from Romania, Estonia, Cyprus, Italy, Portugal, Greece (Ellada) and Spain and is about the influence that traditional cuisine as a part of culture can have for empowering intercultural dialogue.
Objectives: for the 42 youths
1) To promote and support safe, pleasant learning environment based on NF methods for youths with fewer opportunities
2) To increase awareness on social inclusion through NFL and experiential learning
3) To explore and understand the power of traditional cuisine for supporting intercultural understanding and dialogue
4) To create tangible and intangible results (ex. booklet with NFL activities, Recipes book, website, partnerships, friendship etc) directly from youths for the youths, but for their NGOs too, irrespective their background (religion, social, financial and educational level)
5) To support youths and leaders to develop their competences and be certified with a youthpass (initiative, creativity, social, intercultural, languages)




Team from Italy: 

1 leader LISA SUPINO (Formia)

5 participants: - OLGA COSENTINO (Roma)

                        - FABIANA BORRATA (Caserta)                             

                        - GIULIA SAPONIERI  (Bari)

                        - ERIKA MARRARA (Torino)

                        - ELENA FERRARI (Torino)


Reflection by LISA SUPINO


This is my first Youth Exchange and my first experience as leader as well, and of course I had some expectations about it, but I didn’t expect it would be so amazing. I had a lot of worries about leading my group, because maybe I didn’t feel I could be able, but after the first days we managed to create the right balance between us. Actually from the very first day, a great nice group has been created, maybe it helped the fact that we were more or less of the same age. About the activities, I really loved the ones in which we cooked all together, especially because just a few of us were aware that actually could do it. This made everything even better, from my point of view. I liked very much the activity in which we prepared pizza, because, despite Italian people are very jealous about their pizza (included me), this time we were willing to mix our ingredients with those from other countries. At the end, the important thing wasn’t the result of what we had cooked, but the process and the enthusiasm that we all put into doing it. I feel really lucky to have taken part in this project, obviously I will stay in touch with many of the participants, hoping to see them again. A big thank you to the organizers for giving me this opportunity, and another thank you to the hosting people, from the resort and the kitchen. As leader , if I can, I would say that this experience was really worthwhile. Except for one component of my team, the others were at their very first experience in a Youth Exchange; and, even thought at beginning they didn’t easily mix to the others, day after day the situation changed and they finally enjoyed the experience sharing with me and the others enthusiastic feelings.


Reflection by ERIKA MARRARA


This is my third Youth Exchange, and the theme based on foodimmediatly impressed me. I think food is able to unite anyone, and that’s what happened in this Exchange. The entire staff and the participants were able to devise very beautiful activities thatinvolved everyone.

This was a great opportunity to learn and cook recipes from othercountries, and to understand the cultural and traditionalimportance that they represent.

in this exchange I met people really out of the ordinary (in a positive sense) who made this experience unforgettable, every daywas an opportunity to learn and have fun especially with the energizers. The activities were well structured and respected the theme of the exchange, it was fun to cook with the otherparticipants and exchange the ingridients. Another activity thatstruck me particularly was the visit to the elementary school, where together with the children we had a lot of fun learning withthem.

I thank the organization and the staff for giving me the opportunity to participate in this exchange and to have made this experience unique.





This Is my first Youth Exchange, i learnt a lot of things,i learnt about other cultures, i knew a lot of people and about their recipes, we created special community. i loved all Kind of activities that we have done, more specifically the activities about the others countries's recipes; the most important thing was enjoying when we cooked the food. Another activity that i prefered was meeting the children at school, It has been important to know children's view about the others cultures . Im very proud to have taken part in this Project, It has open my mind , i met a lot of friends i hope that i will meet again. I have to thank the organization, the staff and partecipant for this experience .

Thank you to kind people from resort and the kitchen .

Best regards 



We disseminated our project in various cities






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