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Project Summary

This project is designed to promote Non Formal Learning through which 24 representatives of the partner organisations will share personal and professional experiences, contribute based on their competences, work collaborative, irrespective background and develop a programme which will meet the following objectives:
Objective 1: International cooperation between experienced and not experienced. Organisations and individuals but also between target group, youths and youthworkers who aim for eliminating discrimination and marginalisation through social inclusion practice.

Objective 2: We aim to develop and implement this project to leave an efficient impact for the Erasmus period on the topic of healthy being, lifestyle and healthy society in general (mind, body)

Objective 3: To develop personal and professional skills and competences to youthworkers and youths for improving capacity entrepreneurship and employability.

The project also meets International, EU and E+ objectives because:
-encourages participation of youthworkers and youths, especially the ones with fewer opportunities
-secures safety and pleasant NF learning environment

-promotes the development of:
*learning outcomes and improvement of basic key competences
*practices for intercultural learning, equity and social inclusion
*it's a project from youthworkers to youths and community

The Training Course will be held in Cyprus, hosted by NECI EU and will have the following topic:
(a) To suggest tools and practices that can encourage and empower youthworkers capacity and professional development in intercultural settings
(b) To analyse how youthworkers can contribute more efficiently in diversity and respond to conflictual environment
(c) To promote intercultural learning through non formal method which will assist youthworkers expertise
(d) To develop awareness on the importance of youthwork and sustainable impact through visibility and dissemination techniques

Arrival: 04 October 2022 /Departure: 12 October 2022
The Training Course will take place to Protaras.

What participants think about the program

Final video

Publications through social pages

Saeid Edriss is with Neci EU and Neci Italia.

Introducing the NECI activities and the current project to my colleagues at the stadium! Neci Italia



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